I Whispered to the Alchemist
wherever he’s hiding
- “To be continued,” she said
- lizard person in a human suit
- It sure was memorable
- smell anything out of the ordinary?
Tune in next time part 669 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I whispered to the Alchemist, “I’m sure we’ll find him, wherever he’s hiding.” Whichever of my brothers the Alchemist was horny for, I wouldn’t be making introductions. But he didn’t know that, and I might be able to use him to make my escape before he figured that out.
The Alchemist jerked into action. “I have to get this man to a hospital!”
“What’s the problem?” Valentina’s husband asked from the ceiling.
The Alchemist dropped me a creepy wink, and said, “Acute slug poisoning.”
Valentina leaned down and squeezed my junk. “To be continued,” she said. “As soon as you get medically cleared.”
The Alchemist pulled a collapsable gurney from his kit and assembled it with a few flicks of his bony wrists. As he settled me on it and strapped me down, he gave another laborious wink, and quickly swiped his lips with his tongue like he was a lizard person in a human suit. It sure was memorable, much to my dismay.
He started wheeling me toward the door. Before we made our exit into the snow, though, Valentina said, “Hang on. Does anyone else smell anything out of the ordinary?”
bonus points for using them in order