The Glowing Line On The GPS Map

  • by Kentyou should wash that spoon
  • and properly ventilated
  • What a soft voice!
  • with crablike precision
  • this burning desire to do whatever

Tune in next time part 346      Click Here for Earlier Installments

The glowing line on the GPS map led toward an empty region of the ocean. But I knew it was not as uninhabited as it appeared. Our destination coordinates reminded me of a dossier I’d once had a chance to skim, about a secret island chain under Contrarian rulership.

Did Jim know about the Inimical Archipelago?

I sulked off to the zeppelin’s galley to contemplate. By now my nosebleed seemed to be under control, but I found the duct tape very difficult to remove. A utensil in one of the long drawers provided me the necessary leverage, and Isolde entered the small galley just as I got my nostrils unstuck.

Laying it aside, I said, “You should wash that spoon.”

“Wash it yourself,” she snapped. “But later, somewhere better equipped and properly ventilated. Why are you hiding back here?”

“Just need a quiet spot to think.”

What a soft voice!” Isolde exclaimed. I winced.

The galley door opened, and Fleur passed sideways through it, carrying the infant twins with crablike precision.

“I thought I might find you schemers here,” she said. “That’s always how it’s been with you, ever since Daddy made us marry. You’re forever lurking and plotting, driven by this burning desire to do whatever. But meanwhile, you haven’t the foggiest idea of what the game really means.”

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