Exciting News! We Have an Agent!

* For Immediate Release *

Rune Skelley is thrilled to announce having inked a deal with Prentis Literary. Woo hoo! (Can you say “woo hoo” in a press release?)

Our writing journey is now officially leading toward hybrid publishing, after independently publishing three novels. We’re looking forward to learning many new things. We’re very fortunate for the opportunity to work with Trodayne Northern, who has been patient and helpful with us at each turn as we figure out how to be a client. As a bonus, he really gets our stuff.

What this means for our release schedule is not clear yet. Trodayne has taken on the Music Novels, and meanwhile we are thisclose to releasing the first of the Science Novels. Or, are we? The landscape has shifted, and we’ll need to figure out what path now makes the most sense. It’s a good problem to have!

Being coauthors has (hopefully) prepared us well for the collaborative relationship between author and agent.

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