We’ve Done How Many?

This week we published episode 900 of Tune In Next Time, and we commemorated the milestone in our usual fashion by writing a tag-team prompt. When we do those joint installments, we like to come up with a theme and draw the prompt materials from someplace relevant, rather than just using our Stichomancy Prompt Generator like we do for the regular chapters.

Coming up with an appropriate theme this time was harder than writing the actual prompt. On the one hand, we should be getting used to this now that we’ve notched so many milestones, but on the other hand it’s getting harder to avoid repeating ourselves. The next one we hit will be the 1,000th, a milestone among milestones. We don’t want to find ourselves scrambling when we get there, so we’ve already made notes about possible themes. You’ll have to keep tuning in to find out what we choose!

A writing partner is someone who’ll stay with you, no matter how long and strange the journey becomes.

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