Tagged: pizza

Tessa Couldn’t Have Known

  • by Kentone blissful month
  • you have long, elegant toes
  • clowns that had been said to be lurking nearby
  • the legendary “Zoot Suit Riots”
  • debunk the theory that two pizzas would be smashed together to create

Tune in next time part 778      Click Here for Earlier Installments

Tessa couldn’t have known how her suggestion affected me, because she knew nothing of that one blissful month I’d spent living in the islands as an ink harvester, diving for squid all day, and sleeping on the sand every night. Or, did she know more than I realized? It was unwise to underestimate her investigative skills. Did she know what I’d said to Gladys, my dive master (“you have long, elegant toes“)? Did she know that I fled that tropical paradise to escape the clowns that had been said to be lurking nearby?

In any event, even a giant squid couldn’t have restrained me from jumping into the aquarium, so fervid was my nostalgic dive-lust. It turned out there were no squid in the aquarium, but by the time I figured that out Tessa was done rummaging in the costume closet and had selected us matching outfits in which we would look like participants in the legendary “Zoot Suit Riots” — but, even dripping wet, I was determined to choose something a bit more timely.

A white lab coat was an easy choice. Instant credibility! As I shrugged it on, Tessa asked who I was supposed to be. “I’m Professor Trattoria, whose life’s work is to build the Large Calzone Collider and debunk the theory that two pizzas would be smashed together to create the universe as we know it.”

Tessa smirked, shaking her head. She said, “You do know we’re still doing those tattoos, right?”

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YoYo Licked My Ear As She Whispered

  • by Kentrespecting the number one rule of threesomes
  • obviously not equipped with bidets
  • wearing a fedora and a cape
  • the pizza released spores
  • pointed out the inappropriateness of licking a co-worker

Tune in next time part 446      Click Here for Earlier Installments

YoYo licked my ear as she whispered a few hints about the playtime ideas she and Yesterday had come up with. Having so recently heard William’s far less enthusiastic but quite similar proposition, I wondered if any of these people would be respecting the number one rule of threesomes, or if I could just sic them on each other and slip away into the mountains. YoYo batted her lashes, then her breath was on my ear again as she mentioned what she wanted me to watch her do to Yesterday.

I mean, running off and hiding in the mountains would be desertion of duty. Not to mention those mountains were cold and windy and obviously not equipped with bidets. I told YoYo that I was heading to my quarters, unsure whether she was going to follow me or show up later or think I wanted to be alone, and unsure which result I hoped for.

She must have known a shortcut through the fortress because she was waiting for me under my blankets when I got to my room. I shut the door behind me, trying to decide what I should say. There was a knock before I could speak, and when I opened the door again I saw William Penn XII wearing a fedora and a cape and holding a pizza box. Wearing only a fedora and a cape.

“I believe you ordered the special,” he said with a leer. “Extra sausage and purple ranger mushrooms.” He swirled past me into the room and fell to one knee, raising the lid of the box and presenting it to YoYo. “Darling, would you care for a slice?”

“Um, okay,” YoYo said.

William stood up, looking all around. “Where is Yesterday?”

“Wait, did you say purple ranger mushrooms?” Indeed he had. Even as I spoke, the pizza released spores from the aphrodisiac fungus. “Are those safe during pregnancy?” We all looked at each other and shrugged. I was the only one wearing clothes in any meaningful sense, so I shed them as quickly as I could before William and YoYo could get too much of a head start. Soon we were all in the bed in a tangle, and YoYo’s green lipstick was simply everywhere, and I hoped that this wouldn’t be the moment someone pointed out the inappropriateness of licking a co-worker.

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