The Nearest Exit was Behind Us
adorable doofuses
- his second home in the mountains
- When he was drunk,
- to be eaten with one hand
- riding a wave of adrenaline together
Tune in next time part 819 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The nearest exit was behind us, past the unconscious Julien, and back through the Gauntlet of Brazen Hussies. The three of us held hands and ran through, riding a wave of adrenaline together. I slammed and locked the door, hoping it would slow Julien down when he inevitably woke. We were in the food court, near the churro stand, and I was ravenous, having eaten only pickles all day. Contrarian churros are intended to be eaten with one hand. I ordered two because I have two hands and I really like churros. When he was drunk, Jim tended to need two hands to guide pastries to his mouth, but he hadn’t been in the pickle chapel and seemed pretty sober at the moment, so I risked it and ordered two for him as well, and two for Tessa. The churromonger smiled like he would finally be able to afford his second home in the mountains, the one he’d always dreamed of.
Jim and I bit into our churros simultaneously. Tessa shook her head and called us adorable doofuses. Our happy mood didn’t last though, because the tannoy crackled to life and Fleur’s voice made an announcement.
bonus points for using them in reverse order