Pop The Sparkling Blackberry Mead!

Last Saturday afternoon, we finished writing the final scene of Sibling of Music Novel! Yay, it’s done! (And, Yay, we’re still tinkering around with it until the end of the month because there are a couple dozen notes sprinkled through it and that’s our official deadline!)

The action in the Writing Cave was a little spotty over the holidays, with lots of extra people around the house (not to mention renovations in the auxiliary writing cave). We surged back into it upon the newness of the year and cranked through the final portion of the outline, wrapping up with a word count just shy of 168k.

But as mentioned, we are still working on it for a little while yet. Whether or not we’ve knocked off all the outstanding comments, we will lay this book aside on Jan 31 so it can rest. Most of 2020 will probably be taken up with editing rather than writing more new stuff, because we now have four first drafts that require a trip to charm school (and in once case few lost weekends down on the docks) to bring out their full potential.

A writing partner is someone with whom to toast your achievements. (By the way, the mead was very interesting stuff and made us nicely squiffy, but when the official deadline comes there will be proper champagne. In case any of you were worried.)

One comment

  1. Kent

    So now that the official deadline has come, our word count stands a smidge north of 179k. Somehow the odds and ends that we tinkered with added up to over 11,000 words!

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