“Your New Uniform is in the Wardrobe”
brought into the kicking chamber
- howling, drooling
- “We’ve had our fun.”
- not a cold day by Lapland standards
- what a beautiful dance
Tune in next time part 895 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Your new uniform is in the wardrobe,” Fleur said. “Dress quickly.”
I groaned. “I’m too hungover to do anything quickly.”
“Then I shall have you brought into the kicking chamber where all the howling, drooling, tantrumming babies are kept.” Fleur gave an evil chuckle. “That should clear your hangover right up.”
With another groan I heaved myself to my feet. “We’ve had our fun.” I stood still until my head stopped spinning. “No need to bring the children into it.”
I showered quickly, shaved, and scraped the eggnog fuzz off my teeth. “What’s the weather like in Colloquillia today?”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s not a cold day by Lapland standards, or if it’s as hot as the Sahara, you’re wearing the same uniform in any case.”
Contrarian military uniforms are uniformly outlandish. The higher the rank, the more ridiculous the accessories. Judging by what awaited me in the wardrobe, I’d been promoted again.
I started with the underwear, complete with all the bells and whistles. As I shimmied and tugged everything into place, Fleur said, “What a beautiful dance. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to seduce me.”
If it meant not having to put on the rest of this outrageous getup, it might be worth it, monster hangover and all.
bonus points for using them in order