While All the Mimes Were Hypnotized

  • by Kentwhile intoxicated
  • just a big ol’ velvet trenchcoat
  • and away he went
  • small, hot, damp pillow
  • his tiny painted teeth

Tune in next time part 416      Click Here for Earlier Installments

While all the mimes were hypnotized would have been the perfect time to break free, but no matter how I strained against my bonds I couldn’t tear them. Soon my arms were as rubbery as my tongue. The tape really didn’t look that strong. I concluded that my weakness was from the knockout gas, and that I wouldn’t get far anyway while intoxicated with its residue. The feeling was not at all unpleasant, just a big ol’ velvet trenchcoat draped over my whole body, but my situation was too dire to allow me to enjoy it.

I watched Jem and Jem dancing, hoping that one of them would drop me another coded hint about what was going on here. Movement among the mesmerized mimes drew my eye, and I realized that I recognized one of them. It was Harriet or Violet Donut, and she was sneaking toward the exit.

“Jem!” I shouted in warning. My sisters didn’t stop dancing, but the Donut sister made her move, dashing out the door. One of the other mimes snapped out of his trance, holding his head dramatically with both hands and swaying in a full 360 before giving chase. At last he threw one leg over an invisible bicycle, and away he went with an awkward pedaling gait.

Jim strode in through a door on the opposite side of the lab. He wore a long, white coat, and when it gapped I could see that he also still had on Fleur’s bejeweled garb underneath. Safety goggles and thick purple gloves rounded out his mad-scientist look. He was carrying a lumpy object as he walked directly over to me.

“Hey there, brother,” he drawled. And with that he placed the lump on my lap. It felt like a small, hot, damp pillow, but it was moving. “Meet Clyde.”

The creature, Clyde, raised his snout at me and bared his tiny painted teeth.

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