The Four Uncles
drive your dreams!
- huddling together for warmth
- enjoyed a few hours’ sleep
- wipe it on the doorknob
- just like after a parade
Tune in next time part 613 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The four uncles gathered around me, purring and sweaty. It was a sight to drive your dreams! We did our cool-down exercises and ended up in a pile on the floor, huddling together for warmth. I dropped off and enjoyed a few hours’ sleep, but was awakened abruptly by the robotic facsimile of my true love tugging insistently at my ankle. I wanted to rub my eyes, but my hand was quite a mess.
“Why don’t you wipe it on the doorknob?” the grumpy Tessabot hissed. “Isn’t that what they taught you at the Academy? Like after prom, or after health class, or just like after a parade of debauchery you called Homecoming?”
I crawled gingerly out of the pile of uncles, doing my best not to disturb them. They must be at least as exhausted as I was.
“Why are you so mad?” I demanded. “You’re the one who used me as a diversionary tactic while you made your escape. And what doorknob are you talking about? There are no doorknobs in this tunnel.”
bonus points for using them in order