Threading The Projector

The rainbowing for Ghosts Book 3 is coming along nicely. Hard to know just how close to done with it we really are, but we’re dealing with events near the climax now so it sure feels like we’re almost done. Thing is, there are colors of this rainbow that have so far received scant attention. It’s going to take a few more trips through the whole thing to get it sufficiently pinned down.

This saga has a lot of moving parts. As Jen put it, we need to figure out how to thread the world’s most complicated projector, but then we’ll get a really cool movie.

It’s a lot of work. We like to advocate doing that work up front, but the work’s still there all the same. We’d be lying if we said that a front-loaded process magically eliminates all the chores. What it does is protect us from writing ourselves into a corner. Sad experience is a great teacher: we don’t want to do that again. Being stuck for six months wasn’t fun. All this pre-writing might take just as long, but it is fun! We’re not stuck. We’re just enjoying the freedom to change our minds about who lives and who dies. (It’s a ghost story, so those words start to lose their meanings, but you get the idea.)

A writing partner is someone who’ll help you solve the puzzle of how to make your story the best it can be.

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