As I Watched My Former Lover Face Near-Certain Death
mazes of winding passageways
- a bit of low-level xenophobia, right?
- seizing the black bottle
- the Lyudmila who was not his sister
- her mother bought it in Germany
Tune In Next Time Part 21 Click Here for Earlier Installments
As I watched my former lover face near-certain death by shark attack, I turned the metal box over in my hands. Tessa alone knew the combination. Should I save her? Offer to share the treasure with her in exchange for her help? Demand the digits as the price for her life, keeping the box’s contents for myself?
The fins sliced through the waves, stalking her. It reminded me of when I first met her, years ago at a party. She strode in wearing nothing but a sharkskin minidress. I found out later her mother bought it in Germany. I was drawn to her immediately, and asked her to dance. That’s when John strode in with a couple of girls, both named Lyudmila. He kissed the Lyudmila who was not his sister, and then noticed me dancing with the delectable Tessa. He discarded Lyudmila rather rudely and tried to cut between me and Tessa, but she turned her back on him, seizing the black bottle of our host’s inky homebrew liquor in one hand and me in the other.
To John and his shabby treatment of his Russian date she said, “Nothing like a bit of low-level xenophobia, right?”
Before he could even formulate a reply she dragged me out of the party and through mazes of winding passageways to her own apartment where we spent the rest of the night downing the bitter black alcohol and screwing.
Could I let a girl like that be eaten by sharks? I could not.
bonus points for using them in reverse order