Tagged: scifi

Carlton Rode with Me

  • kissed my hand and ran away
  • Whom will it kill?
  • flung the elevator door wide
  • you breathe carbon monoxide from your lungs
  • the customers murmured
  • reptilian latex sheath

Carlton rode with me to the nineteenth, flung the elevator door wide, kissed my hand and ran away. Did he know something? Should I not get off on the twentieth as I’d planned?

By that point in my contemplations the car had gone up another floor and the door softly opened on its own. With a shrug, I stepped off into the corridor.

You breathe carbon monoxide from your lungs. Whom will it kill?” I mused aloud. “Are you up here?”

No answer.

A nearby door let into a bookstore. The alien was there, holding a feng-shui guide in one paw. The appendage was covered in a reptilian latex sheath like the rest of the creature.

The customers murmured.

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Uncle Timothy Despairs

  • her father’s protege in the city
  • choked with seaweed
  • (she called it fizzy)
  • a great deal of reviewing
  • I slithered to the chemist
  • Uncle Timothy despairs
  • sometime between 1887 & 1889

Uncle Timothy despairs of finding the antidote in time,” Salome wept. Timothy was not her real uncle, but a longtime family friend; her father’s protege in the city.

The inundation had remade the city, and its dwellers. Avenues choked with seaweed, corner vendors selling sea cucumber sandwiches to lithe, scaly pedestrians.

My preparations for a sojourn had remade me likewise. I slithered to the chemist, the love of my life, Salome, and tried to console her. I knew she would be my salvation — she already had an effervescent concoction (she called it fizzy) that had almost worked.

Sometime between 1887 & 1889, the comet had grazed our atomsphere… the answer was in the Farmers’ Almanac, but finding the right pages would entail a great deal of reviewing.

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