
r-avatarIt was tedious and time-consuming, but last night we finally finished stomping the weasels in the music novel. Weasel words are useless little things that take up space and bloat a manuscript while adding no nutritional value. Words like “that” and “had” and “then.” Removing them is sort of like combing out nits. Kent and Jen sit together at one desk, sharing a single monitor, and make monkey noises at the text. We look at every single instance of each trouble word and debate its merits.

Often no discussion is necessary. Kent and Jen agree that a particular “just” stays or goes. Other times there is dissension and a heated debate develops. So far we have not needed the intervention of an impartial arbitrator, but we have come close.

The de-weaseling process is one a solo author can go through, but a writing partner makes it much more efficient. Of course when you’re working on your own you won’t get into any arguments, which we will admit has its appeal. When you work with a coauthor, though, you cover for each other. There will be work sessions when one or the other of you isn’t feeling particularly ruthless. That’s when your collaborator takes the lead, leaving the weasels no safe harbor. Your manuscript will thank you.

Through the judicious use of weasel-stomping boots, we removed 652 instances of “that,” and 468 of “had.” All told, we cut over 5000 garbage words from our prose. It’s leaner and meaner now, and that much closer to publishable.

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