Now Bigger and Weirder Than Ever!

Our long-running chain story (and several hundred other kooky posts) wouldn’t be possible without our stichomancy prompt generator. It’s one of those things we were born to do together: Jen is a magpie for just the right kinds of confounding text snippets, and Kent has a knack for building fun webthings.

Just now we added over 2,000 new prompt phrases, bringing the list almost up to 16,000. So, adding up all the prompts on the Skelleyverse, we’ve only used about 10% of the generator’s potential phrases.

Give it a whirl! Use it for a warm-up before you do your “real” writing, or use it as an icebreaker at your meetings. (It works great in both of those modes, we can tell you from direct experience.) Feel free to share your results in the comments!

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