My Current Situation
how to conduct a toy dinosaur battle
- They must be very cold.
- Angela Lansbury doing a French accent
- I did so by bouncing it off
- and crouched while she drank it
Tune in next time part 658 Click Here for Earlier Installments
My current situation combined numerous unusual factors into a highly improbable whole, and like all such situations my Academy training had specific guidelines to address it. I recalled clearly the preamble to this section of the manual, the way it explained that how to cope with these circumstances was the same as how to conduct a toy dinosaur battle in the snow. The toy dinosaurs must be deployed strategically across the terrain. They must be very cold. Tyrannosaurus must speak like Angela Lansbury doing a French accent.
When I took Dr Ferguson’s hand and tried to lead her out into the soft, luxurious snow, she resisted and tried to lead me back to the bed. I wasn’t sure if I was a tyrannosaurus, so just in case I tried communicating in the proper mode. Dr Ferguson seemed more confused than before, though, and I realized that I had to remodulate my voice. I did so by bouncing it off the walls of the apartment, but even that didn’t make her understand. In the end I went outside only for a moment, to bring her a double-handful of the delightful snow. I put it into a mug and sang the Academy alma mater until it was all melted. Dr Ferguson seemed reluctant, so I sang some more until she took the mug, and crouched while she drank it.
Academy training guidelines are meant to be adaptable for conditions in the field.
bonus points for using them in order