Dust Off the Ouija Board

The first Friday post in January is traditionally when we talk about our writing plans for the upcoming year. Our current project is a series of ghost stories, so it only makes sense to consult the spirit world for some guidance. The sole Ouija Board we have is an adorable little tin box of mints, but we’ll make the best of it.

Oh Great Spirits, tell us: what does 2022 hold in store for us?

Now imagine the planchette gliding eerily across the board, painstakingly spelling out our message from the Beyond.



The spirits say that we will begin by writing Ghost Book #1, mostly in the Writing Cave. But since it is darkest winter and there is no fireplace in that room, we might defy expectations and propriety and work in the Auxiliary Writing Cave several times a week. Even if it means we might need to endure snuggling with — gasp! — a corgi. Who are we to argue with the spirits?

Sometimes composition goes quickly for us, and sometimes it does not. The spirits cannot say how long it will take to complete the first book. They do say that when it is complete we will either steam right ahead into writing Book 2, or if we need to look away and recharge our batteries, we may switch to editing Sibling of Music Novel. The future is clouded and they cannot say for sure.

The spirits have one more prediction for us: we should be able to squeeze in the European trip we’ve had on hold since 2020. Fingers crossed they’re right!

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