Mother’s Diabolical Machinations
metropolitan police with a difference
- I can see I’m not your type
- the ice-master caught the first sight
- either rented or borrowed a baby
- why the hell should I stay awake?
Tune in next time part 188 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Mother’s diabolical machinations filled my mind so completely that I forgot where I was and what was happening around me. Her agents would be everywhere by now, like metropolitan police with a difference: animal cunning. I snapped out of it when Yoda tumbled into the dumpster beside me.
“Let go!” I yelled. He had latched onto my ankles. “What makes you think you’re my type? I can see I’m not your type.”
“To say is hard, what type you are, hmm? Odd your clothing is, shoe-thief.”
“Here, take them back.” I dropped his crocs, which I hadn’t had time to put on. But he still held onto my ankles. “What now?”
“Long ago it was, when the ice-master caught the first sight of the airport, when either rented or borrowed a baby the fire-master did.” As he spoke, he slipped off my sodden espadrilles and put his crocs on my feet.
Then he burrowed into the scorched bikinis and curled up like a hamster in cedar chips.
“Is that it?” I asked. “Are you just going to lie there?”
“Done now my job is, so why they hell should I stay awake?”
bonus points for using them in order