We were so excited to participate in the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Kickstarter! We got swag, and emails from Joel, and everything! But now that the new episodes are available on Netflix, they’re something of a drain on our productivity. The urge to binge them all is strong, but we’ve been taking a somewhat slower approach so that we can savor each one, and to make them last. But now we’re almost done. Sniff.

Somewhat to our horror, we had each seen two of the movies in their non-MST form. We have a soft spot for Copenhagen, and so had actually watched Reptilicus on purpose. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Reptilicus is basically Godzilla in Denmark, and it’s the first movie tackled in the new season by Jonah and the bots.

Avalanche was the surprise. Jen and Kent have been married seemingly forever, and it’s hard to remember sometimes that we actually had separate childhoods. But we did! And those separate childhoods each included the viewing of the Mia Farrow/Rock Hudson classic Avalanche. Fate.

A few nights ago we finally reached the episode where we are listed in the credits, and it’s a doozy. Wizards of the Lost Kingdom 2, starring David Carradine for some reason. The fight choreography is stunningly inept, the “humor” even more so. Do yourselves a favor and watch it! Be sure to stay for the credits where you can pause it and see Rune Skelley’s name. I’m sure you’ll be almost as excited as we were!

But seriously, you should watch the whole series. It’s awesome!

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