“Look,” Hildegard Said Raggedly
“Ahh, but we do.”
- sex with you when it was convenient
- Perhaps I don’t need to say this
- aggregated skill, luck, laziness and chutzpah
- was once a disco artist
Tune in next time part 634 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Look,” Hidegard said raggedly, “we don’t need to hang around in here.”
“Ahh, but we do.” I winced. “Or, I do at least.”
“We didn’t get married just so I could have sex with you when it was convenient,” she replied. “We also got married so you could have sex with me when it was inconvenient.”
“Perhaps I don’t need to say this. Well, clearly I do. Inconvenient is one thing. Right now it’s impossible. Even with my lifetime’s worth of aggregated skill, luck, laziness and chutzpah there’s just no getting around certain biological necessities.”
She hadn’t been listening. She was mumbling and staring off into space. The only words I caught were “Pamplemousse” and “was once a disco artist.”
bonus points for using them in order