10,000 New Writing Prompts

We spent the summer carefully curating a new collection of text snippets to add to our Stichomancy Writing Prompt Generator. For those of you who are new around here, stichomancy is the art of divination through random passages from books. You grab a book, close your eyes, riffle the pages, and poke your finger (or a pin) into a page at random. You then read the sentence or paragraph that you stabbed and figure out how it relates to the question that’s eating at you — sort of like a horoscope. In our case we dispense with the whole fortune telling aspect, and simply use the phrases that the universe thrusts upon us to inspire quick fiction pieces. And with our handy dandy Writing Prompt Generator, we dispense with the whole “shuffling through books” part of the process, too. And so can you!

Head on over to the SkelleyCo Amalgamated Fiction Enterprises LLC Stichomancy Writing Prompt Generator today, and begin your journey into the world of chaotic inspiration! You’ll be glad you did.

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