John Closed His Eyes
Who’s jealous?
- in the dental infirmary
- you do have a baffling language
- introduces me to all her friends as ‘no fun.’
- thinking about that taste right now triggers my gag reflex
Tune in next time part 723 Click Here for Earlier Installments
John closed his eyes and went completely still. He looked like he’d fallen asleep, a state I hadn’t enjoyed in ages. Who’s jealous? You’re jealous! I was just relieved that Mother’s trigger phrase merely took John out of commission instead of initiating some sort of berserker rage that would end with all of us in the dental infirmary. The dental infirmaries on Contrarian airships are rudimentary at best, and they use an off-brand novocaine that numbs your tongue and lips so thoroughly that you do have a baffling language all your own for hours and hours. It’s because I refused to indulge Fleur and sing karaoke in that state that she now introduces me to all her friends as ‘no fun.’ It’s so bad that thinking about that taste right now triggers my gag reflex.
Luckily I remembered another trigger phrase that might get John back in motion.
bonus points for using them in order