“It’s Funny You Chose That Word”
build little prisons for all my food
- definitely into some weird shit
- Spanish for Scotland
- So he kissed her again
- “Sorry, sorry, alright already, I’m going, sheesh.”
Tune in next time part 796 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“It’s funny you chose that word,” Tall Man said. “When I was a lad, I used to build little prisons for all my food, and the butternut squash was always the warden. And this Lyudmila chick was definitely into some weird shit, but that isn’t the keyword.”
My hand twitched by the control knob for the polarizing couch. “But that doesn’t make any sense,” I said. “That’s absolutely the code word she would use, if she wanted you to make sure you were giving the message to the right person.”
“Well, I’m sure you’re the right person,” he replied. “Like I wouldn’t recognize America’s #1 wedding rapper!”
So, the message was for my twin brother, Jason!
“Silly to even suggest it!” I said. “Can you give me a hint about the keyword, though?” I rolled my eyes significantly in the direction of his diminutive companion to remind him what the couch’s higher settings were capable of. “You did say you’d tell me everything.”
He swallowed. “Something I noticed about Lyudmila is, when she sneezes it sounds like Spanish for Scotland.”
Was that supposed to be a clue? I began to wonder if we were in fact talking about the same Lyudmila, but that just made me want to hear the message even more.
We were interrupted by the barkeep, who appeared just then to ask who was going to settle the Right Anglers’ tab. Before I could shoo him away, Tessa spoke up. “We’re a little light on cash at the moment, but I’m sure we can work something out.” She stood with her hands clasped behind her, digging one toe on the floor and batting her lashes. The barkeep looked as surprised as I felt, but then he stepped over to her for a kiss. She moaned softly and wrapped her arms around his neck. So he kissed her again.
“There,” she said. “That should about cover it, don’t you think?”
“What about my tip?” he asked.
Tessa growled.
The bartender lurched backwards away from her. “Sorry, sorry, alright already, I’m going, sheesh.”
bonus points for using them in order