The Writing Grotto

We’re excited to announce the newest addition to our fleet of writing locations. We’ve spoken in the past of our Writing Cave, and our Auxiliary Writing Cave, and now we’re excited to be posting our first blog entry from our Writing Grotto. Oo la la! How fancy!

The Writing Grotto is outside, and features a fire pit. We foolishly thought we would be able to have a work session there, with full productivity from both of us. It didn’t work out that way. First we had to make s’mores, and then we had to throw the ball for our canine overlords Lady Marzipan and the Bandit Lord. There was a brief interlude where we negotiated the peace between the dogs and a big fluffy orange neighbor cat who sauntered across Lady Marzipan’s realm.

And then there’s what fire does to Kent. Tending an actual wood fire scratches some deep caveman itch. It hypnotizes him in a way that the gas fire in the the Auxiliary Cave does not, and if you’re not careful he starts to wax philosophical about it. Or maybe that’s just the Golden Monkey talking.

We’re planning to spend more time in the Writing Grotto as the weather gets warmer, and we hope that we’ll equilibrate to it and actually be able to get some work done there despite the myriad distractions.

A writing partner is one who will tell you when you have marshmallow goo stuck to your chin. A good one won’t even laugh about it.

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