Isolde Crooked Her Finger
practically kissing my cheek
- name of your sex tape
- capable of extraordinary cruelty
- the ice-master caught the first sight
- winning the war against time
Tune in next time part 459 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Isolde crooked her finger, beckoning me closer and closer until her eyelashes were practically kissing my cheek. She whispered, “The soothsayers soothsay it’s triplets, at least. Harry is just thrilled.”
“Is that why he’s causing scenes at cotillions?” I asked snippily. I hadn’t forgotten that Fleur expected me to act as Harry’s lawyer.
“Causing Scenes at Cotillions,” said Jim. “I do believe that’s the name of your sex tape, brother.”
Isolde trilled a high-pitched laugh. She obviously found Jim charming. My brother had that effect on women, largely because they didn’t know he was capable of extraordinary cruelty. At the Academy, the Ice-Master caught the first sight of Jim’s mean streak, and the poor man was never the same again.
I stood to my full height and straightened my General’s frock coat, vest, and cravat. “So, Jim, I am to believe that you flew through a blizzard in an airship to tell me that Freya wants to see me, when either you or she are perfectly capable of sending a telegram? And Isolde, who is barely winning the war against time in regards to delivering her children, just tagged along for fun?”
It was time to deploy that lie-suppressing trigger phrase.
bonus points for using them in order