Not Only Did the Answer Float Before Me
suggesting its author is a liar
- Chad’s such a dingus
- but I’ll be ding-danged if I’ll let just anyone
- hideous hellbirds
- “Wow! Whoopee! A zeppelin!”
Tune in next time part 839 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Not only did the answer float before me, it floated all around me. I was in fact riding inside it as it floated through the sky. “The winner,” I proclaimed, “shall receive the title to this zeppelin.” That ought to teach Fleur not to put me on the spot.
Around me the mothers were chattering excitedly. “Wow! Whoopee! A zeppelin!”
Fleur’s face turned redder than the most hideous hellbirds in the mural painted on the auditorium’s ceiling. She muttered under her breath (but straight into the microphone, so I couldn’t help but hear), “He thinks he’s so funny, but I’ll be ding-danged if I’ll let just anyone have my airship.” She ground her teeth for a moment, then bellowed, “Chad!”
I groaned. Chad’s such a dingus. But he also happens to be the Royal Contrarian Airship’s pageant coordinator. He appeared from the wings and Fleur instructed him to read the bylaws governing airborne infant talent shows. Chad knew who signed his paychecks, so of course he had Fleur’s back. He read aloud the section on prizes, his wording suggesting I was its author, his tone suggesting its author is a liar.
Like I said, dingus.
bonus points for using them in reverse order