Beautiful Music

r-avatarAs collaborators, you and your writing partner should strive to make beautiful music together, or least beautiful prose. But what happens when you can’t decide on what music to play in the work room?

Jen and Kent have a lot of overlap in musical tastes, most importantly agreeing on what sort of music should never, under any circumstances, be played. That’s a nice, solid base to build on. There are bands that we both enjoy, and that make pretty successful seeds for Pandora stations (although all Pandora roads seem to lead to the Strokes, who are not a favorite of either of us).

We eschew headphones in the writing cave, because we like to be able to talk to each other easily. The problems arise when Kent wants to get his prog on, or when Jen falls a little too far down the Jack White rabbit hole. When your background music becomes a distraction for your coauthor, a change must be made.

Here at Skelley Co we’ve found that The Beatles’ Love, or classical music makes a good compromise.

That or we just wait ten minutes until our son starts practicing his drums. He effectively drowns out the world. Problem solved.

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