Zeus Pamplemousse Spun On His Heel
meld them together with jam
- I pushed the oily rag into his mouth
- decked out in an elaborate costume
- beyond that I guess we’re just hoping for the best
- keeps sticking his foot in his mouth
Tune in next time part 750 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Zeus Pamplemousse spun on his heel to face us, creating a dramatic swirl of his heavy cape. He said, “Do you know that you can mask the tastes of even the most powerful sedatives if you meld them together with jam and nuts? Of course, if your target’s not hungry it does no good to know this, which I contemplated as I pushed the oily rag into his mouth.”
“Who are you talking about?” I demanded, not letting my nakedness deter me from raising my voice.
“Her therapist, naturally,” Zeus replied coolly. For him to show up here, decked out in an elaborate costume (although it was probably everyday-wear for the King of the Moon) and confess so blithely to his involvement in a kidnapping, was so outlandish it made me wonder if he might be a member of my family somehow.
Tessa growled. Zeus cocked one eyebrow and said, “Now now, he was fine when I left him. I made sure there were enough air holes, and beyond that I guess we’re just hoping for the best. And of course, I need something from you in exchange for his location. But honestly, I wonder why you take advice from a man who keeps sticking his foot in his mouth. Literally. Made it very awkward to put the rag in.”
bonus points for using them in order