Zeus Pamplemousse Clamped his Meaty Hands
known as the paranormal badboys
- with the light of the moon and the stars
- at least five members
- also known as a “blurb”
- Neptune and I
Tune in next time part 763 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Zeus Pamplemousse clamped his meaty hands over Tessa’s delicate ears and said, “You and your twin are, in certain circles, known as the paranormal badboys of your family.”
This was news to me, but I nodded. I would play along to get him to release my beloved.
“It is very eerie at my Moon Palace,” the mad Moon King continued. “With the light of the moon and stars as the only illumination, the mind plays tricks.”
I bit my tongue to hold back my questions about how much moonlight was actually visible on the surface of the moon.
“Or are they tricks?” His bloodshot eyes were wide and intense. “I and at least five members of my retinue have seen a blurry banshee (also known as a “blurb” amongst the youths), creeping through the corridors. My brother Neptune and I have both heard the blurb hissing, much like you did moments ago. Tell me, oh paranormal badboy, are you a blurry banshee, or merely in league with them?”
All I could think was, “Banshees don’t hiss, dumbass.” But I couldn’t say that to Zeus Pamplemousse, not when he held Tessa’s beautiful head in his mighty grip.
bonus points for using them in order