You’re No Son of Mine
Hot blood, hot blood.
- My stepdaughter vanishes for two nights and returns with an alleged husband.
- suggesting that horses had been tied there
- hitched up, as it were,
- cheer a little less aggressively
Tune in next time part 152 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“You’re no son of mine,” Jinx Damocles wheezed.
The one-armed man in front of me was also the one, armed man in front of me. If paternal warmth wasn’t going to keep him from shooting me, then I had to find some other angle so he wouldn’t spill my blood. Hot blood, hot blood.
“That’s not fair,” I said. “I was always told you were my uncle. You were the one who always preferred to spend time with Jason over me. Give me a chance before you disown me.”
“It ain’t like that,” Jinx said. He sighed raspily. He muttered something that sounded like, “My stepdaughter vanishes for two nights and returns with an alleged husband. Knocked up, of course.” He focused on me again and said, “You’re no son of mine because you’re my grandson. Well, step-grandson.”
The train had begun slowing as he spoke, and now I heard the squealing of the brakes as we decelerated more forcefully. “Out,” Jinx said.
We were in a field, no station or other signs of civilization in sight. Jinx marched me away from the tracks and the train started moving again.
“I thought we were going to TinselTown, or, I guess Valentine Village,” I said.
“I won’t ever go there again, and I can’t let you go either.” He crowed loudly, “Bleed the Candy Hearts! Bleed the Candy Hearts!” Then he coughed and spat before shoving me ahead with the gun.
We came to a lone tree among the tall grasses, where there were eight horseshoe imprints within an area of flattened stems, suggesting horses had been tied there, hitched up, as it were, to the tree in anticipation of our arrival.
“I think I scared ’em off,” Jinx said. “Next time I’ll cheer a little less aggressively.”
bonus points for using them in order