Your Father is Attempting to Reenter the United States of Australia
attempting to reenter the United States
- pulled his silk handkerchief over his head
- a new consignment of victims
- and not shed one tear
- “Witches. They pretend to be witches.”
Tune in next time part 217 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Your father is attempting to reenter the United States of Australia, as he calls it,” Isaac said. “He stood on his hotel balcony yesterday and pulled his silk handkerchief over his head, a signal to his cohorts that he is ready for a new consignment of victims.” She glared at me. “I don’t know how you can stand there and not shed one tear over the fates of all those innocents.”
“You still haven’t told me who you are, or where your information comes from,” I replied. “My family has many enemies, the worst of whom have their followers convinced they have open lines of communication with the spirits of the dead.” Isaac looked confused, so I clarified. “Witches. They pretend to be witches.”
“You think I’m a witch?”
“Of course not. But maybe you do.” I looked her up and down. Maybe she wasn’t from the Guild of Fire Eaters at all. “Or maybe you just take your orders from one.”
bonus points for using them in order