You Know That Dream?
beside you in a bathing suit
- sinister red mask with pointy ears
- “Don’t be fooled by their cuddly appearance
- fine silken tunics
- “Should I put my shoes back on?”
Tune in next time part 665 Click Here for Earlier Installments
You know that dream? The one where there’s a beautiful woman beside you in a bathing suit and a sinister red mask with pointy ears, and she twists your fingers into impossible shapes to make grotesque shadow puppets, and growls in your ear, “Don’t be fooled by their cuddly appearance, sonny boy, they’re deadly even if they are just shadows!”? This felt a lot like that dream, only Dr Ferguson was dressed for skinny dipping, and I was the one in a mask (if pantyhose can be said to count as a mask). And instead of growling, Dr Ferguson purred into my ear, “Just shoot this one scene for us and we’ll dress you in fine silken tunics — as many as you want — and drive you to the airport.”
It was just one scene. How bad could it be. I murmured to her, “Should I put my shoes back on?”
bonus points for using them in order