Xylona’s Odd Exclamation
that spasmodic walk of his
- stealing her underwear
- body covered with cuts and bruises
- drove the getaway car
- “I’ll look in the out of the way places.”
Tune in next time part 314 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Xylona’s odd exclamation made me wish I could see into her cockpit and make sure there was no flux capacitor back there. But maybe if there was, we could simplify so many things in our lives.
John is a nervous flyer, and before we were even airborne I had been reminded of how awkwardly he rides a bike, and that spasmodic walk of his when he was living with Tessa and kept stealing her underwear. If only he had a pair of it now, but alas.
Chilly rain pelted us, stinging my face and shoulders even with John as a shield. But it felt good on my body covered with cuts and bruises from so many things I couldn’t go back and simplify. But I knew the date that I’d return to, if I could. I knew the one thing I’d change. The delicatessen job, when I drove the getaway car. I’d trick Jason into doing it. That was before the rest of the crew knew I had a twin, so they’d never suspect.
We were soon over open water, in a downpour, with the wind and the prop roaring in our ears. John had found another leather cap, but apparently my aunt never planned on having two passengers. John was speaking, but I couldn’t make anything out. I twisted to look at Xylona and realized they were having a conversation. So I grabbed the headgear. Sure enough, it contained a mic and headphones.
“Where are we going to land?” I asked.
“You let me worry about that.”
“Oh, I’m worrying about it, too!”
She chuckled, not seeming worried at all, in fact. “I’ll look in the out of the way places.”
Nothing but blank, dark waves could be seen in all directions. How much more out of the way could you get?
bonus points for using them in order