Working Title
Here at SkelleyCo Amalgamated Fiction Enterprises we value secrecy, which is why we use placeholder titles for our novels and series on this blog. Rest assured that the Science Novels and the Music Novels have actual real titles. Pretty kickass titles, if we’re being honest, and when they’re published, you’ll get a chance to witness their majesty for yourself.
Alas, the Ghost Novels do not, as yet, have any sort of titles at all. They don’t even have cute little nicknames. When we talk about them between ourselves it’s just “The First Book” or “Ghost Book 4” or whatever. We don’t even have a name for the series.
Some of this is because we’re still so early in the writing process. Sometimes you have to meet the baby before you can name it. Also, it turns out that naming ghost stories is kind of tricky. It’s very easy to wind up with a title that sounds like a Nancy Drew book: The Haunted Placename, The Secret of the Thingy, The Ghosts of Blankety Blank. It would be a lot easier if no one else had ever written a ghost story before. Another factor is that we like for the titles in a series to sound like they go together. We’ve done that most elegantly with the Science Novels, which you’ll one day be blown away by. Trust. Meanwhile, we do have a few ideas for possible Ghost Book titles, but not any so far that lend themselves to a coordinated set of four.
“Writing Partner” is a great title for someone who is your partner in all things writing. Including coming up with titles.