With The Tessabot’s Manic Driving
hear the organist practicing
- he worked that shift at the opera
- unique bruise and a one-of-a-kind story
- slinging strawberries and Ding Dongs
- bottle that says Deadly Poison
Tune in next time part 582 Click Here for Earlier Installments
With the Tessabot’s manic driving, we reached the harbor in no time. Overlooking the water on a high bluff were two churches, one a tall, spiky Gothic cathedral, the other a quaint little stone box. From one of them, I wasn’t sure which, I could hear the organist practicing even over the growl of the motorbike.
Viscount Jeff wiggled a finger in his phantasmal ear. “It never used to be so loud,” he said, “but ever since he worked that shift at the opera house on the mainland, Joey’s gone in for maximum volume. That’s why he connected up the organ pipes to a geothermal vent, a task which left him with a unique bruise and a one-of-a-kind story.”
I merely nodded, my attention riveted to the precarious switchbacks Tessa was hurtling around. I braced myself against the rim of the bathtub sidecar to keep from being flung out and plummeting into the surf far below.
“Joey’s a good kid,” Jeff went on. “Before he landed this gig, he was living off his winnings at the carnival, slinging strawberries and Ding Dongs at spinning targets. Well, I’m sure you know all about the carnival.”
I was barely listening. The ride was terrifying, and yet the prospect of escape from this wretched island was growing nearer each second.
“Anyway,” Jeff said in a more subdued tone, “let me give you a little advice. Don’t accept a drink from Joey if he pours it from a bottle that says Deadly Poison. I mean, like I said, he’s a good kid. He showed me the label, for crying out loud. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
bonus points for using them in order