“Why Did You Do That?”
threatened to kill again
- she had heard the very same story from her friends
- similarities between Facebook’s rapid adoption and the proliferation of an infectious disease
- left the embittered old bastard
- among the ruins
Tune in next time part 282 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Why did you do that?” I screamed at Tesla. (Also, how? was my unvoiced follow-up question.)
While the slow but relentless flow of sewage carried us farther from the way out, she told me a lengthy tale involving the choir and their pact with the magic dweebs. I lost some of the details musing on what a great band name “The Magic Dweebs” would be, but the upshot was that Mr Bug-Wand allegedly murdered a teacher, and had threatened to kill again. Tesla had learned of all this by reading our rival school’s newsletter, but she knew it was true because she had heard the very same story from her friends in metal shop.
“But you didn’t take shop,” I said. “Your name was on the list of fugitives I saw while raiding the office files.” She gave me a calculating look. “I mean,” I stammered, “that’d be their album title. ‘Metal Shop,’ by The Magic Dweebs.”
The result of her calculations was giving me the silent treatment. So we drifted without speaking on a river whose odor brought to mind the similarities between Facebook’s rapid adoption and the proliferation of an infectious disease. The horrid stench battered my nasal passages like an illegitimate uncle banging on the front door in the middle of the night. Finally, after what seemed like hours, olfactory fatigue left the embittered old bastard among the ruins of my mucous membranes.
bonus points for using them in order