Who Else Might Be Aboard the Submarine I was Now Trapped On?
during a very, very warm summer
- “Do you have handcuffs on?”
- once more enjoyed a little quiet laugh
- Accidents, sir, happen
- and redesigned suits
Tune in next time part 263 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Who else might be aboard the submarine I was now trapped on? Did I dare make my presence known? Jason’s allegiances were impossible to know, and Tesla had been underground for so long there was no way of telling where her loyalties lay. If only I could identify the man with the reedy voice I might be able to judge my level of peril.
I kept myself concealed and continued to eavesdrop, but the noise of the submarine made that second task much harder. After about ten minutes, Tesla and Reedy Voice left the control room and strode down the corridor I was hiding in. I crouched quickly as they passed, but managed to get a pretty good look at them.
Their chalky faces and redesigned suits, so stripy and nautical, struck fear into my guts. These two must be representatives of the long-rumored Pirate-Mime Brotherhood. No wonder Reedy Voice’s voice sounded so odd — he was unaccustomed to speaking. But how on Earth did Tesla get mixed up with such a dangerous crowd? Accidents, sir, happen, I reminded myself. But that answer seemed insufficient. And then I remembered that Yves and Lionel, her philandering husbands, had been mimes. Quite good ones. I once more enjoyed a little quiet laugh as I recalled Lionel’s unique take on “trapped in a glass litter box.”
Was Tesla’s presence in this heretical fraternity of evil meant as a slap in the face to her exes?
Suddenly Jason bounded into the corridor and snagged me by the collar. It seems my little quiet laugh wasn’t little or quiet enough.
“What are you doing here?” he demanded. “Do you have handcuffs on?”
I did indeed, but since the chain was broken they hardly slowed me down.
Once during a very, very warm summer at the White House, Mother had pitted Jason and me against each other in daily wrestling matches. This was a lot like that.
bonus points for using them in reverse order