While I Was Working Some Pretty Rogue Moves
very nonchalant about the whole thing
- smells like Willy Wonka’s farts
- between the second and third toes
- quite empty, madam
- so they can be ambassadors
Tune in next time part 854 Click Here for Earlier Installments
While I was working some pretty rogue moves in my attempts to shake off Big Dennis, I was also trying to be very nonchalant about the whole thing so that neither Titania nor Small Dennis would notice. And I was trying not to overexert, because the atmosphere inside the horse costume was stuffy. But it also held a strange, cloying note. “It smells like Willy Wonka’s farts in here,” I muttered, “if he’d been taste testing Brussels sprout gobstoppers.”
Small Dennis shushed me, which Titania must have heard because she growled, “Most horses never learn how painful it is to have a toothpick jammed between the second and third toes, probably because most horses know when to be quiet.”
“Well, that, and they don’t really have toes,” Small Dennis mumbled.
Titania tore the head off the costume. “What is in your head?” she hissed.
“My skull must be quite empty, madam,” he replied in a quavering voice.
She chuckled, suddenly sounding far less irked. “We usually ship people like that off to other countries, so they can be ambassadors. But, too bad for you, we ran out of countries.” She shoved the head back on over Small Dennis, and as she resumed the saddle she sighed. “Never had these issues with Nigel!”
bonus points for using them in order