When You Picture the Ensuite Bathroom

  • by jenone of those quiet, picturesque places
  • an unfettered clusterfuck
  • unless they hug me first
  • saving up for a pet snake
  • odd and possibly charming

Tune in next time part 745      Click Here for Earlier Installments

When you picture the ensuite bathroom of a General’s stateroom on a Royal Contrarian airship, I’m sure you envision one of those quiet, picturesque places full of bamboo and soothing colors where one can relax after a long day of Generalizing. Would that it were. My ensuite bathroom was about to host an unfettered clusterfuck if my wife discovered Tessa in the tub with us. Fleur and I have an understanding, but that only goes so far. I haven’t reviewed the paperwork in a while, but I’m pretty sure that I’m not supposed to have anyone else join us in the bathtub unless they hug me first and curtsey to her. Tessa had, in fact, thrown herself upon me with all the fervency of someone who’d spent years saving up for a pet snake only to arrive at the reptilarium on two-for-one day. That surely counted as a hug. But she had not curtsied to Fleur. Perhaps she could do so now? There was a chance Fleur would find the gesture odd and possibly charming enough to forgive the breach in etiquette. It might be our only chance, since it seemed she was never planning to exit the tub. It also might backfire spectacularly.

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