When Svetlana Acquiesced
come on, let’s get high
- resembling a cerulean elephant with an aquiline nose
- continued after night fell
- isn’t mature enough to be my sex partner
- I blame porn for this
Tune in next time part 73 Click Here for Earlier Installments
When Svetlana acquiesced to walk under her own power and we started off along the side of the road, Jerry dropped his stick and called after us not to leave him. “I have some primo pharma in the way-back,” he implored. “Stick around guys, come on let’s get high.”
Even Svetlana could see that was a bad idea. We trudged for hours without seeing another vehicle. The hinterlands were so quiet that we could hear the rumble of a distant engine for several minutes before we spotted the machine behind us. It was some kind of van, resembling a cerulean elephant with an aquiline nose. In other words, not bearing much resemblance to an elephant at all. Svetlana waved her leg over her head in an effort to make the driver stop, but the weird van trundled past without slowing.
Our lonely hike continued after night fell. “Shouldn’t we stop, get some rest?” Svetlana asked. “We could lay down, together, under the stars.” She batted her eyelashes. “I’m already tied up.”
“You keep trying to seduce me, but I know it’s only in hopes of making your escape. You’re only looking out for yourself, which is a major turn-off. I’m not interested in sleeping with someone who isn’t mature enough to be my sex partner.” My speech caused her to pout, whether in genuine petulance or as a come-hither indicator it was impossible to tell.
Topping a hill brought us voices, and the smell of wood smoke and roasting meat. Both our stomachs growled so loudly I was worried the people at the campsite up ahead might hear them. Parked just within the circle of light cast by the fire was the bizarre bluish van, its proboscis accentuated by shadows dancing in the firelight. It wasn’t a nose at all, but a different anatomical reference.
Svetlana chuckled and handed me a tidy bundle of electrical wiring. She started toward the campsite, wrists unbound. “I’m going to get something to eat, you coming?” she called back to me.
“Wait,” I hissed, but she kept going. She presumably meant to ply these strangers with sexual advances, or just attack them and steal their food. I was so hungry I hardly cared, trailing a few dozen yards behind her to see what would develop. I was eager to watch, slave to a deep voyeuristic impulse that often arises at inopportune times. I blame porn for this reflex toward surreptitious observation. Regardless, I hoped for a cut of that meat.
bonus points for using them in order