When I’d Solo-Tangoed
pulverize it with my powerful molars
- fetish for mythical cephalopods
- almost obscenely plush
- it just kept going up
- referred to them as frogs instead of salamanders
Tune in next time part 916 Click Here for Earlier Installments
When I’d solo-tangoed to the opposite side of the steam bath, my hand involuntarily reached out to touch the wall. My thumb and fingertips clasped a loose section of mortar between some moldy bricks and started wiggling and tugging on it. The idea that the person controlling the nanobots — and thereby controlling my fudging mouth — would force me to chew on that gritty chunk of cement and pulverize it with my powerful molars was revolting and terrifying.
But, when it came free I simply dropped it and began scrabbling around the other edges of that same brick. Soon it was loosened and my hands drew it out of the wall. I watched as my hands turned it around to reveal strange carved runes, and a tiny keyhole shaped like a squid. I felt something shift inside the hollow brick. Was it a secret storage compartment for the marital aid of someone with a fetish for mythical cephalopods? Without the weird key, it seemed unlikely I would be finding out.
The next unbidden thing my hands did was root through the fanny pack. My fingers brushed against the socks inside, and compared to the clammy brick they felt almost obscenely plush and soft. In the toe of one of the socks there turned out to be a key, and of course it resembled a squid. But, I still didn’t find out what was inside the brick-box because my desire to try the key was overridden by the nanobots. And another word clanged through my skull: “Climb.”
I didn’t know what to make of that command, for the only stairs were descending. It was toward those stairs that my feet carried me, but when I reached them my hand found a knob that released a sliding wall panel. Behind that panel was another staircase, and it just kept going up and up as far as I could see. As I trudged up the slimy steps, I spotted spotted creatures skittering on the walls. I recognized the species immediately, but the heads-up targeting display being generated by the nanobots and sent back to the control app referred to them as frogs instead of salamanders, or even newts. Why would Ursula allow such a weird bug to sneak into her code?
bonus points for using them in order