“What Happened to Timmuth-A Through Timmuth-D?”
no easier way to put someone in a box
- gently inserting the tines around the circumference
- on a gondola in Venice
- drinking mimosas in secret
- the Aztec twelve-step
Tune in next time part 787 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“What happened to Timmuth-A through Timmuth-D?” I asked, knowing it wouldn’t be pretty. Mimes are ruthless.
“There’s no easier way to put someone in a box and get them to stay there than to kill them.” Tessa looked haunted. “At least that’s what Timmuth-E said.” She’d picked up the pickle skewer and was gently inserting the tines around the circumference of the kosher dill she’d been nibbling on.
“That’s pretty dark,” I said. “I wasn’t expecting you to say they were all on a gondola in Venice, drinking mimosas in secret or anything, but, shit, man. Mimes.”
Tessa nodded solemnly. “Mimes are the worst.”
“Except Timmuth-E helped you escape…”
“No he didn’t. He slipped up and spilled some intel he shouldn’t have, that’s all.”
“What was it?”
She looked me dead in the eye and said something that took my breath away. “He taught me the twelfth and final step of the Aztec twelve-step.”
I couldn’t believe it. “You mean…”
She nodded and threw back another bite of pickle.
bonus points for using them in order