We Were Losing Precious Seconds
he burst into tears
- those pretty little things
- I didn’t set out to have an affair with him, but
- dried toothpaste barnacles
- an eclipse during which the moon turns
Tune in next time part 724 Click Here for Earlier Installments
We were losing precious seconds because of Mother’s interference. I leaned down and whispered the counter-phrase in John’s ear. “Hear the sound of the wind while there’s an eclipse during which the moon turns into a shiny silver dollar covered with dried toothpaste barnacles.”
John’s eyes snapped open. That was good. Fleur went rigid and made a strange squeaking noise. That was probably less good. Apparently I had whispered rather loudly, and she was also conditioned to respond to those words.
While John set to work on the controls hidden under the ice, I turned to check on my wife.
“I slept with Jason,” she blurted. It sounded like she was trying to talk and hold her breath at the same time. “I didn’t set out to have an affair with him, but those pretty little things he raps about just won me over I guess.”
“So. You’re currently under a compulsion to tell the truth I take it.”
She nodded stiffly. Her eyes were enormous.
Mr Carousel said, “My faith in true love, you’ve destroyed it!” He took off his pork-pie hat and crushed it in his hands as he burst into tears.
bonus points for using them in reverse order