We Dashed Out Of The Airship’s Dinner Theater
third brother-in-law
- I’m a super optimistic person
- I’m sorry, but who is this man?
- puppets, comrades
- infamous party that included a bisexual orgy, a black mass, and — most shockingly —
Tune in next time part 810 Click Here for Earlier Installments
We dashed out of the airship’s dinner theater and immediately found ourselves in another, much smaller theater. I recognized the lead performer as my wife’s third brother-in-law, aka my brother Jim. No one would say I’m a super optimistic person, but even I had been pretty sure our situation was due to get less complicated, not more.
Our arrival seemed to have brought the show to a halt. Someone in the front row stood and pointed at me. “I’m sorry, but who is this man?”
“Never mind the interruption,” my brother drawled. But there was something odd about his accent. “Please to return attention to puppets, comrades,” he continued. I wondered what had been happening to him since I last saw him in the petting zoo, and I wondered why he was affecting this slavic persona. But I knew I would need to be patient about asking any questions.
Jim had socks on both hands, and by their “costumes” I suddenly knew which play he was doing. It was something that had been written on a partition in the seediest bathroom at The Academy, accumulating over the decades a line at a time. It contained much that was clearly fiction, but also a blow-by-blow depiction — likely factual — of an infamous party that included a bisexual orgy, a black mass, and — most shockingly — a duel fought (inconclusively) with uncooked spaghetti.
I took a closer look at the small audience, wondering who was attending such a peculiar exhibition.
bonus points for using them in order