Two Tessabots, at Least
emitting sad noises
- ear-penetrating intensity
- virtually impossible to do it with just one person
- the glacier that once covered New York City
- very individualized
Tune in next time part 529 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Two Tessabots, at least. Who knew how many there could actually be? I stood guard over her as she rebooted, emitting sad noises as I contemplated whether I would ever see the real Tessa again. Whether there had ever been a real Tessa.
The robot before me beeped three times, and then played an alert message at ear-penetrating intensity. “This TSS-A Unit will be online in 29 seconds. The automatic self-destruct requires a double manual override, and it is virtually impossible to do it with just one person, so good luck.” The alert voice was well-known to me, and covered my heart with a layer of icy dread as thick as the glacier that once covered New York City back in the 80s. This Tessabot was sent to me personally, a very individualized form of revenge.
“Two of the override switches are between her fourth and fifth toes,” the alert continued. “But I’m not going to tell you where the other two are.”
I looked in dismay at the intricately laced high-heeled boots adorning Tessa’s feet.
bonus points for using them in order