“Two Million Two Thousand!”
flowed quickly from his nostrils
- many individuals still believe today
- should be home in bed
- “I need the backstory.”
- certainly not cinnamon-colored
Tune in next time part 493 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Two million two thousand!” shouted Tatiana at the same second that John was swigging champagne, and he was so surprised by the thousand-dollar leap in the bidding that he nearly choked. Champagne flowed quickly from his nostrils as he looked around for a napkin.
Turning back to me, Tatiana said. “I and many individuals still believe today in the ancient yeti maternity practices. I will give birth here in the cavern.”
“You should be home in bed,” I growled at her. “Or perhaps in that nice fortress down the mountain.”
“No!” Tatiana grabbed my yeti-masked face in her hands and stared into my eyes. “I need the elderberries. I need the skin contact.” She enunciated every word. “I need the backstory.” Her face crumpled under another contraction. “I need it all.”
I nodded.
She called to her nearly nude companion. “Magnus, get one of the big serving trays from a waiter. It will stand in for the traditional sled. I will give birth upon it. And napkins! Bring many napkins! Whatever sort you can find, except certainly not cinnamon-colored. That would be ill-omened.”
I was starting to feel quite superfluous, but decided to stick around and see my latest children be born.
“Two million two thousand thirty seven!” groaned Tatiana.
bonus points for using them in order