Two Figures Move Along The Catwalk
Character – judge
- Setting – zeppelin
- Object – nail-gun
- Situation – hiccups
Two figures move along the catwalk, one in black robes and one in blue overalls. With his hands up, the robed man turns to face his captor.
“This won’t solve anything,” the judge says to the roofer.
“You put me away for a long <hic!> time,” drawls the man in overalls, menacing the judge wit his nail-gun.
Not long enough, thinks the judge. A low groaning sound permeates the superstructure as the Zeppelin Chambers – literally the highest court in the land – banks slightly to port.
“Careful with that. You’ll kill us all!” the judge implores.
“May <hic!>, maybe <hic!> that wouldn’t <hic!> be such a <hic!> bad thing!”
Oh why didn’t I take my gavel with me at recess? the judge lamented.