Two Down, Two To Go

The plot rainbow for Ghost Novels, Book 2 is done. On to Book 3!

This is the second pass on each of these rainbows. When we first generated them, we were looking at things from a pretty high altitude, and this time through we’re zooming in on things. Rainbow number two doubled in size this time around. By the time we were ready to number the cards and pick it up to make room for number three, it barely fit in the Auxiliary Writing Cave’s designated Rainbow Assembly Zone.

Now we have number three spread out in the same spot, and it looks so dinky! But we know there’s a ton of info we haven’t incorporated into it yet. The next step is to review all our notes about this book, then we can start adding cards to enrich this rainbow with details. In all likelihood, this one will also end up straining the capacity of the Assembly Zone.

A writing partner is someone who builds rainbows with you, and then helps you make them bigger and brighter.

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