Tuning In Next Time Just Got Easier

We’re happy to unveil the new and improved reading experience for our writing prompt chain story. It can now be viewed in chronological order!

Just go to the updated Tune In Next Time page to get started.

How did this long-overdue enhancement come about? Well, Kent has been enjoying retirement, but sometimes he misses slinging a little code. So, a few days ago he applied himself to the question: “Why does our blog make it so freakin’ awkward to just read a set of posts in order?” And if we let him, he’ll go into all the nerdy details about how he fixed it. So we won’t let him.

[Kent wrests the keyboard away] “It involved a custom plug-in, plus some theme edits…” [The keyboard is wrested back]

So there you have it! Settle in and bask in the goony glory that is our neverending series of interconnected tag-team writing prompts, from the beginning.

A writing partner is (sometimes) someone who can fix your website.

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