To My Great Disappointment
and he slid back into the mud
- arms were too long for his body
- placed a hidden tracking device inside
- strips of packing tape
- hundreds of dead snakes
Tune in next time part 292 Click Here for Earlier Installments
To my great disappointment, Tessa nodded and said with a shrug, “Might as well. Where’s a good place to do that type of thing?”
“The old temple,” Jason said. He grinned, then lisped, “It’s close by, and its atmosphere is super sexy.”
He led us to a creepy hut among stone ruins. Seeing what my twin thought of as erotic ambience only heightened my long-standing worry for his mental stability. I almost tried to pull Tessa away, but I didn’t know of anywhere else we could go, anyway. The closer we got, the more the sinister little thatched building made my skin crawl. Until we were an arm’s length away, when I realized that what I’d taken for hundreds of dead snakes draped over the conical roof were in fact just strips of packing tape.
Tessa disappeared into the hut’s murky interior, and Jason and I bounced off each other trying to fit through the doorway.
“There’s no way I’m letting you go in there,” I told him.
“I bet that’s what your wife would say to you.”
“Fleur knows how the world works, especially our world. She even knows how I placed a hidden tracking device inside a duchess once. This won’t bother her a bit.”
“Get in here,” Tessa called. “Both of you.”
Jason went in first, and I bumped into him before my eyes adjusted. Tessa was sitting on the edge of a round pool of mud, dangling her feet in it. From the center of the pool rose a strange figure, like an accountant whose arms were too long for his body. He turned his bulging eyes to my twin and me, and croaked, “Only one can complete the ritual.” His eyes closed, and he slid back into the mud.
bonus points for using them in reverse order